Steve Hutchins


Steve has worked in the hydraulic industry for over 3 decades in sales and purchasing. He is looking forward to retirement hopefully in the near future.

Steve has been involved with Motley Crew since 2017 when a friend suggested he try it out. He began as a paddler and has moved on to sterns (steering) and helping with coaching and training as needed.

Currently co-captain for Motley with Melissa, he has also worked with Pan-Am and GWN coaching and steering at festival events. He has raced with Motley and a few other teams all over the Midwest.

A few years ago he competed in the MR340. The MR340 is a 340 mile on the Missouri River which he completed in a dragonboat with a few of his Motley family and people from other clubs around the midwest.

Every spring he looks forward to getting back on the water and working with friends and soon to be friends.